Henry Ng
PSA Mid- Atlantic Chapter, Established 1997

Henry NG, HonFPSA, EPSA, EFIAP was born in China, raised in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States when he was 18.
Henry first became interested in photography when he was 13 years old. He particularly likes photographing people, landscapes, human-interest subjects, nature, and sports as well as creative work. He is an active participant in exhibition competitions all over the world. Currently he has received over 3000 acceptances leading to over 700 awards, including over 65 “Best of Shows,” PSA Gold medals and over 30 FIAP Gold medals internationally.
In the “Who’s Who in Photography,” compiled by the PSA, he has been ranked among the worldwide Top Ten Exhibitors in five divisions (Pictorial Color Slides/Projected Images, Digital Imaging, Photojournalism, Photo Travel and Small Color Prints). He was ranked first in the world in both Pictorial Color Slides (now Projected Images) in 2005 and Photo Travel Projected Images in 2005 and 2006. His photos of China were featured in the “Distinctive Images” article in the 2008 June PSA Journal.
Henry joined the PSA in 1969 but took a sabbatical in 1978 when he returned to graduate school whilst working full time. He rejoined the PSA in 2002 and received his APSA in 2011, FPSA Honors in 2014 and PSA PPSA in 2006 and EPSA Distinctions in 2011.
He has served as the PSA Image Collections Vice President (ICVP) and as a member of the PSA Board of Directors from 2007-2013. After serving the maximum allowable 3 terms as the ICVP, Henry was appointed as the PSA Ambassador in 2013 and became the PSA Goodwill Ambassador for Asia in 2016. He has participated, and continues to serve in many PSA Committees, including the Honors Committee, Print Collection Committee, and Projected Image Collection Committee.
Henry was awarded the PSA President’s Award (one of the two highest awards offered to its members by PSA) in 2014 and the International Representative of the Year Award in 2014, the Peabody Award for his contributions to advance photographic art in 2016 and the Sophia Cheung Volunteer of the Year Award in 2017.
Henry is currently serving as the Chair of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter. In addition, he also is an adviser for many camera clubs in the US, Canada, Hong Kong and China.

All images found on this website are © Copyrighted material by the individual members and may not be copied or used without permission.